The Seminaris Masterclasses teach you in a compact form how you can really implement New Work in your company and offer you the chance to network with experts and people who also want to shape transformation. Together, you can develop practical strategies, solve concrete challenges and exchange ideas with like-minded people. Learn from masters in New Work – and become one yourself!
Seminaris Hotels have been established as modern conference hotels for decades: We know what conferences need and how they can best facilitate knowledge transfer, discussions and networking. In addition, we offer very individual agile workshop formats with which you can transform your business, answer very specific questions or develop new ideas. We have developed them with our network partners and look forward to implementing them with you. You can also dive deep into the potential of New Work in our Masterclasses: There you will learn how to fully exploit the concept.
We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
What can we do for you?
Don’t miss a thing: Our newsletter regularly brings you the most important information about New Work, our hotels and Seminaris events.
For reasons of better readability, the simultaneous use of gender-specific forms of language is omitted.