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At Seminaris, the focus is on people – even before the first day of work! The idea: The search, selection and integration of new team members (newbies) is carried out by the future colleagues themselves, the so-called buddies.

Applicants can already get to know their own buddy in the job advertisements. Here, real people search for their future colleagues and provide an initial, authentic insight into the working culture at Seminaris: recruiting at eye level.

Our buddies also have an important role and voice in the selection process. They accompany the interviews and decide on the job allocation together with the manager and HR. The goal is to find new hires who fit into the team not only professionally, but also in terms of people and culture.

During the onboarding phase, the buddy is the first point of contact for the newbie and is responsible for ensuring a successful induction. He or she coordinates closely with the various experts in the company to ensure the comprehensive and holistic integration of the new team member.

In the Welcome! program at Seminaris, buddies and newbies are allowed to grow together in their tasks. For a valuable time at Seminaris, from day one.

Job search

Operations Manager (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Leipzig

Frühstückskoch (m/w/d) mit Führungsrolle

Seminaris Hotel Nürnberg

Front Office Agent (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Bad Boll

Hilfskoch oder Hilfsköchin (m/w/d) – Quereinsteiger Willkommen!

Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin

Event Coordinator (m/w/d) mit Homeofficeoption

Seminaris Hotel Nürnberg

Sales Manager (m/w/d) im Homeoffice mit Reisebereitschaft

Seminaris Hotels Corporate Office

Haustechniker (m/w/d) Elektrofachkraft

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam

Frühstückskoch (m/w/d)

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam

Sachbearbeiter Rechnungsstellung (m/w/d) mit Homeofficeoption

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam

Hausmeister /Techniker (m/w/d)

Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin

Front Office Manager (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Bad Honnef

Hilfskoch oder Hilfsköchin (m/w/d) – Quereinsteiger Willkommen!

Seminaris Hotel Bad Boll

Frühstückskoch (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Bad Boll

Stellvertretende Restaurantleitung (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Lüneburg

Servicekraft in Voll- oder Teilzeit (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Lüneburg

Frühstückshilfskoch/ Spüler(m/w/d)

Seminaris Avendi Hotel Potsdam

Koch (m/w/d)

Seminaris Avendi Hotel Potsdam

Koch (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Bad Boll

Koch im Mittel- oder Spätdienst (m/w/d)

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam

Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) 

Seminaris SeeHotel Potsdam

Servicekraft (m/w/d)

Seminaris Avendi Hotel Potsdam

Bar- & Servicemitarbeiter (m/w/d)

Seminaris Avendi Hotel Potsdam

Koch (m/w/d)

Seminaris Avendi Hotel Potsdam

Front Office Agent (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Nürnberg

Servicekraft (m/w/d)

Seminaris Hotel Bad Boll

For the future of your dreams

Here your visions find a home: appreciative, self-determined, communicative and in a team. A career in the hotel industry can be different! At Seminaris, you work sustainably and based on values.