Trainer Kongress
On March 14 and/or 15, 2024, the Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin will become a hotspot for over 300 participants who want to exchange ideas and network at the 16 Trainers’ Congress.
The event promises to be a highlight for trainers, coaches and educators, as a market of ideas with a wide range of workshops awaits you.
The event will take place over one day and, with four workshop blocks and over 25 topics, offers a diverse selection for all interested parties. Exhibitors will also be on hand to present special offers for different aspects of training.
The Trainer Kongress Berlin acts as a creative ideas market and effective contact exchange in the further education sector. Participants will experience a day full of innovative offers, ranging from approaches such as the “path to the seminar concept” to “visualization” and “didactic magic for trainers”, thus offering practical methods for their professional activities. The congress offers rewarding contacts for your own network and will take place on Thursday, March 14 and/or Friday, March 15, 2024.
In four workshop blocks, participants can put together their own individual program from over 25 exciting topics. Examples include “Didactics for trainers”, “Seminar methods”, “Creative visualization techniques”, “Didactic magic for trainers”, “Your own book as a marketing tool”, “Live coaching”, “Humour” and “Social media for trainers”. The interdisciplinary structure of the workshops ensures direct learning experiences that provide a personal bundle of easily applicable tools and fresh ideas for your own seminar practice.
The breaks are just as important for learning as the learning itself, which is why generous breaks are deliberately planned. During this time, the Trainer Congress acts as an ideas marketplace and contact exchange, supports professional networking and offers the opportunity to get to know each other, make contacts and exchange addresses at the information stands.
The Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin offers us a large, well-equipped, modern location with plenty of space.
It goes without saying that tasty, learning-oriented catering will be provided throughout the event.
The participation fee (net) is 538 EUR/day, plus 82 EUR conference fee (net).
If you work as a trainer, coach or further educator and are interested in innovative approaches, new methods and practical ideas for your professional development.
Regardless of whether you already have experience in the industry or are just starting out in your career.
• Trainer
• Coaches
• Educators
German Speeches
3D-Welten – Eine Methode, die das Beste aus Brettspielen in den Trainingsraum bringt
4 Must Haves für Coaching und Training aus unseren 45 Jahren Erfahrung
Bow Flow – Wie du durch meditatives Bogenschießen in Flow kommst
Bowful Leadership – Wie du achtsames Führen mit dem Bogen erlebbar machst
Clash of generations – Babyboomer trifft auf Gen Z
CONCEPTBOARD – Teamzusammenarbeit sicher und intuitiv
Das Beste der Positiven Psychologie!
Deine Entwicklungsreise zu modernen und kreativen Trainings
Deine Knowhow-Bahncard 100: Exzellente Live-Trainings für Trainer & Coaches im Flatrate-Format
Der Ort als 3. Trainer
Die KI als Zeichen-Buddy im Training und mehr!
Die Kraft der kollektiven Emotionen: Leiten von Großgruppen-Workshops
Die Stärken – warum Belohnung über alles geht
Die wichtigste Präsentation bist Du selbst
Entdecke deine Signaturstärken als Trainer
Erfolgsfaktor Lernplattform: Wie auch 2024 digitale Weiterbildung in der Praxis gelingt!
Evaluierung! – Aber wie?
HingeHUSCHT mit HUSCH-Mal-Figuren
Immersion im Training – Eintauchen statt Zugucken
Inhalte merkwürdig vermitteln
interpersonal Skills LAB – Leadership Training im (virtuellen) Weltraum
KI-Methoden für die Seminarpraxi
Kreativer Wow-Effekt für Deine Visualisierungen im Seminar
Lebendige Teamübungen für Teamentwicklung UND zur Aktivierung von Gruppen
Meditative Tools für Trainer/innen & Coaches
MIRO – Virtuelles Spielen eröffnet neue Dimensionen!
Munterrichtsmethoden ohne Material
Planlos zum Erfolg?
So erstellst Du Filme für Deinen Online-Kurs
Stärke Deine Stärken!
Tierisch gutes Training
Virtual Reality (VR) und Augmented Reality (AR) für die Gestaltung von immersiven Lernumgebungen
Vom Meistern schwieriger (und schwerster) Trainingssituationen
Wir brauchen andere Trainings – Raus aus der Trainer-Komfortzone
WOW-Effekte aus dem Moderatorenkoffer
Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin
Takustraße 39
14195 Berlin
Dates Trainer Kongress Berlin
We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
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