At Seminaris, we combine our decades of experience with the latest formats based on the New Work concept. In this way, we enable innovation, support change management in the company and accompany transformation processes. Together we will find out which format is best suited for you and your goals, and which method should be used to support it. Seminaris offers everything you need for your trainings and meetings to create real change: from creative furniture and walls that can be covered with stickers to top-equipped material cases and breakout areas for breaks or particularly quiet work.
Barcamp – New Work Format
A barcamp is an event format with open workshops, presentations and discussion groups held in individual sessions. Lively participation is what makes a barcamp successful. Each event is different and creates new and unforgettable impressions and experiences every time.
Objectives: brainstorming, exchange of ideas, networking, knowledge transfer
Participants: 10 to over 500 people
Duration: half a day to a full day, sometimes over several days
Network: Moderator
• Barcamps are also referred to as unconferences.
• Hierarchies and one’s own status play no role here.
• The program only emerges on the day of the event itself – through a lively discussion among participants.
• The discussions in the groups require a very active participation of the participants, but also a lot of personal responsibility.
• The more participants, the better, so that as many presentations and insights as possible can be created or sessions held.
• Participants suggest topics and visibly illustrate them, for example, through post-its on a board; together, they then vote on timing and individual sessions.
World Café – New Work Format
In a World Café, people interested in a topic meet in an inviting coffee house atmosphere for an intensive exchange of thoughts, ideas and experiences. World Café offers the possibility to let a comparatively large group discuss an issue. Pictures and sketches drawn on the tablecloths are also used. A World Café can be planned as a stand-alone format or used as one method in a larger event.
Objectives: exchange, networking, team building, knowledge transfer
Participants: 10 to over 500 people
Duration: about 4 to 8 hours
Materials: tables for up to 5 people, writable tablecloths
• Event in which close collaboration takes place to foster creative processes.
• Mix of crowd sourcing and linked idea generation.
• Group dynamics are used to answer questions about the future, participants can help shape the process so that participation within the group is as active as possible and the result is particularly productive.
• The topics are already defined and ideas and visions for them are developed in the World Café.
• Hierarchies and one’s own status play no role here.
Open Space – New Work Format
The Open Space format is used to discuss in large and small groups and to present complex questions or challenges. In a time-fixed framework, quick and action-oriented results emerge. The agenda is created by the participants themselves to give everyone the opportunity to contribute their own topics and questions.
Objectives: networking, team building, communication, knowledge transfer
Participants: 10 to 2,000 people
Duration: 4 hours to several days
Network: Moderator
• Small group discussions that can change – as often as desired – spontaneously and without a fixed group constellation.
• Hierarchies and one’s own status do not play a role here.
• The discussions are coordinated by a moderator who also compiles the results.
• Speakers may also spontaneously come forward and define their own content on an overall topic.
Warp Conference – New Work Format
The Warp Conference is about a fast and immediate exchange between many different participants. It is similar to speed dating, because face-to-face conversations take place within the conference. The frequent change results in a varied dynamic and topics are viewed from different perspectives.
Objective: networking, brainstorming
Participants: 2 people in each conversation, no limit to the total number of participants
Duration: 5- to 15-minute conversations
• Similar to speed dating, a quick, intense and diverse exchange of thoughts is desired, with a time limit.
• Participants come from diverse genres and have a wide variety of knowledge.
• The Warp Conference is a popular format within a conference for concept development and ideation of the future.
Speed Geeking – New Work Format
Speed Geeking is presenting in a fast format: The speakers have to get to the heart of their topics in a strictly limited time and present them with a lot of enthusiasm. This is followed by a one-minute question and answer session that promotes dialog and conveys a lot of information in a very short time.
Objectives: getting to know each other, product overview, topics, event content
Participants: 8 people each and 1 to max. 2 speakers, no limit to the total number of participants
Duration: max. 4 minutes presentation and one minute question and answer session
Material: tables for up to 9 people
• Speed dating format where speaking time is strictly limited.
• Participants or speakers rotate, with the speaker introducing topics and products to the table participants.
Science Slam – New Work Format
Knowledge and science are very close to each other at the Science Slam. Each speaker is allowed to present his or her scientific talk for ten minutes in such a communicative way that the subsequent applause rates him or her as highly as possible. Research and science projects are thus presented in a condensed form and have a certain battle character with high entertainment value.
Objective: knowledge transfer
Participants: one person each, no limit to the total number of participants
Duration: 10 minutes speaking time per presentation
• A science competition in which scientists (at best with good communication skills) present their research within ten minutes.
• Afterwards, the audience votes on the best presentation, with the strength of the applause deciding the winner.
• The Science Slam is an entertaining program item during a meeting or conference, where the audience acts as the jury.
Recrutainment – New Work Format
Assessment meets gaming: New employees can also be found with playful ease. In classic selection processes, there is little room for lightness and fun. But the point is to find the right people for your company. Always with reference to the actual task, Recrutainment opens the space for it.
Objectives: career orientation, employer branding, personnel marketing, recruitment
Participants: no limit on total participants
• Applicants go through knowledge tests, assessment centers and job-specific exams in which they can show their creativity.
• In this process, company processes are presented in a real but simplified way in order to quickly check the candidate’s suitability for the job profile.
• This format is time-saving and at the same time so effective that recruitment costs can be significantly minimized.
Walking Break – New Work Format
Who actually tells you that business meetings always have to take place indoors? The walking break or brown bag session takes you outside the four walls of the seminar room – with a task and provisions in your luggage. During the walk, discussions, creations and decisions can be made. Inspiring tasks turn it into a completely new experience.
Objectives: brainstorming, discussion, exchange, networking
Participants: 10 – 30 people
Duration: about 2 hours
Material: Packed lunches (Seminaris Hotels offer specially created walking-break backpacks with food and drinks to go) and a room with technical equipment for the briefing as well as the evaluation of the results
• Casual and informal meeting during break times for a personal exchange with learning effects.
Thinkathon – New Work Format
Team brainstorming marathon: That’s what Thinkathon gets to the heart of the matter. Joint brainstorming and reflection as a team task to jointly develop solutions. Participants can come from a wide range of industries and their profession is irrelevant.
Objective: Solution approaches in a team
Participants: 10 – 30 people
Duration: 1 – 2 days
Material: Post-Its, drawing material, handicraft utensils
Network: Moderator
• An insight goal must be set in advance, which the facilitator will keep revisiting.
• All participants are included in the brainstorming, the basic idea is worked on openly and should always be a component.
• The participants come from a wide variety of industries and are experts in their field – regardless of their professional qualifications.
• In a Thinkathon, informal discussions and associative thought processes take place.
• The ideas are presented at the end in the group constellations. The materials and forms of presentation used are irrelevant.
Future Conference – New Work Format
How are you shaping the future? That is the central question at the Future Conference. A plan of action for a problem is developed jointly in a large group. This is especially important when various interest groups are involved in strategy development and must reach a common consensus.
Objectives: action plans, strategies, visions
Participants: 10 – 80 people
Duration: 3 days
Methods: Timelines, mind maps, lists
Network: Moderator
• The term Future Conference comes from Future Search, in which the past, the present and trends as well as visions of the future are considered in six steps with respective intermediate steps in order to design a future perspective.
• When working on the topics, there may only ever be one solution that includes everyone.
• The moderator announces previously defined rules of conduct so that the atmosphere is always constructive.
• Participants work independently and come together in small and larger groups for discussions.
Green Meeting – New Work Format
Sustainable corporate development in the sense of Green Thinking is a must. The Green Meeting format also holds up a mirror to companies as to how responsible thinking and acting is in their own company. The entire event is implemented and documented under the guiding principle of “Greener Meetings”, at best in line with the sustainability concept of the venue. At Seminaris Hotels, we have already introduced a certified environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 in 2019.
Objective: resource-saving use of consumables, electricity and renewable energies during the conference (standards of the European environmental management system EMAS – Eco Management and Audit Scheme).
Participants: no limit of total participants
Duration: approx. 3 – 5 minutes per speaker
• This format (and at the same time this method) is especially popular with companies that want to visibly improve their own environmental performance to the outside world. The speakers have a limited speaking time to do their part for sustainable environmental protection in the company.
• In addition to the resource-saving consumption during the event, the waste handling is also documented in detail.
• If possible, participants should arrive by public transport.
We are happy to answer all your questions! You want to book a room – or 30? You want to organize a workshop and rent a meeting room? You want to get to know New Work methods – or use them even more efficiently and implement them with your team? You want to do activities in the city and in nature? We are here for you, ready to advise you and help you find the best offer for you.
What can we do for you?

In our Masterclasses, you will learn how to implement change processes in your company. Practical and efficient.

Congresses & Events
When people meet, it makes a lot of things possible. We offer these people the right spaces for these encounters.

Individual Workshops
Our flexible creative spaces offer plenty of room and the optimal equipment for individual workshops.
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