Seminaris Hotels are clearly committed to sustainable development and ecological responsibility – and of course this also applies to meetings, conventions and conferences.

Green Meetings and Future Conferences at Seminaris
Our hotels operate an environmental management system and wherever possible we conserve resources and minimize environmental impact: From a packaging-free buffet to a water concept that saves every bit of CO2 to a paper-free organization. This is how we enable sustainable green meetings that help minimize your company’s carbon footprint.
Eco-power and green cuisine
The electricity used by Seminaris meeting rooms is green electricity from renewable resources, green cuisine is used in the kitchen and the meeting materials are also sustainable: We consistently optimize all processes and details for their impact on the environment.

Digital progress
- Paperless: Digital correspondence
- Cloud cash register systems incl. mobile tablets
- Digitized HACCP control

Less waste
- Green power in business
- Paperless: Digital correspondence
- Elimination of plastic and small packaging
- 98% less plastic waste
- No to minibar
- NoWaste at the bar
- Sustainable cleaning agents
- Waste and CO2 reduction in logistics and warehousing

Clean living
- Green electricity in business
- Saving drinking water with enzyme cleaners
- Sustainable conference materials – pencils instead of pens
- E-charging stations for e-cars
- No to minibar
- Quality tableware for a long shelf life
- Sustainable cleaning agents
- Waste and CO2 reduction in logistics and warehousing

Kitchen in transition
- With “Veggie Rebels” for crooked vegetables
- Integration of organic and fair trade products
- Free-range eggs, homemade jam and more regional honey for breakfast
- Range of regional and seasonal dishes
- German and European wines
- German gin varieties
- Pure Seminaris Water – microfiltered water
- Regional fruit and vegetable suppliers

Less transportation
- Green power in business
- Paperless: Digital correspondence
- Cutlery from Europe instead of Asia
- Homemade jam
- More regional honey
- Offer of regional and seasonal dishes
- German and European wines
- German gin varieties
- Pure Seminaris Water – microfiltered water
- Regional fruit and vegetable suppliers

Sustainable networking
- Circular Berlin incl. Workshops
- Zero Waster project in Berlin with visitBerlin